Monday 24 November 2008

Cash Flow Forecasting - Case Study

The MD of a young company was already preparing cash flow forecasts periodically. However they were proving unreliable, so a number of changes were made:
  1. Using the clearance date of transactions
  2. Capturing each category of spend
  3. Tying into bank reconciliations
  4. Changing frequency

The result was that he became completely in control of the company's cash position, and avoided surprises.

He was then able to discuss any funding needs with the bank, or take other appropriate action. The result was that cash crises were avoided, and the company continues to thrive.

If you would like to discuss how to go about preparing a cash flow forecast, or would like your current forecast reviewed, do contact me.

Chris Challis

challisc @

+44(0)1628 632914

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